Marine Lake at Knightstone, Weston-super-Mare


There are times at which a business relationship can really benefit from legal advice. Before you enter into a partnership it is often best to get yourself properly prepared with legal information before you make a commitment. Professional advice and mediation can also be of immense value if you encounter problems within your partnership, or wish to bring the business relationship to a close.

At Berry Redmond Gordon & Penney we use our experience and knowledge to provide you with the best advice on all issues surrounding business relationships including preparation and advice upon partnership agreements and on how to dissolve a partnership.

For more information, call us or fill out our Enquiries Form.

  • Our charges

    Berry Redmond Gordon & Penney charge at an hourly rate, which is influenced by the following:

    • The particular expertise and experience of the person dealing with the case
    • The complexity of the transaction
    • Whether the matter requires unusually urgent and swift action
    • The time spent on the matter

    We always give an estimate of the likely costs at the beginning of the matter, with regular updates as the matter progresses, so that you can always be certain of the costs involved in your particular case at any given time.

    To find out more, call us now or fill out our Enquiries Form.

    Legal fees are subject to VAT.